15 Awesome Tips for Fun-Filled Caravanning with Kids

Wonderland RV

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Have you ever seen a kid’s face when they first explored a hidden waterfall, or roasted marshmallows under a million stars, or collected seashells on a deserted beach? 

“Travel life teaches kids that these experiences cannot be found in reading books or watching TV,” says family caravanners and Wonderland ambassadors, Lost Tribe Adventures.

Caravanning with kids is an incredible way to create lasting memories. It’s also an opportunity to nurture in them a love for the outdoors. Family caravan adventures are also a great chance to reconnect with each other as a family while disconnecting from your daily routines.  

If you’re preparing to go on your next family trip, here are some awesome tips to make it unforgettable… 


Planning Makes Perfect(-ish) 

Spontaneity is fun but planning helps to ensure a smooth journey, and helps you make the most of your family time. 

1.  Consider Your Crew 

Are you caravanning with toddlers or teenagersTailor your trip to their interests and capabilities. Toddlers might love splashing in rock pools, while teenagers might like body boarding, fishing or hikes with stunning views. 


2.  Plan Big with Tiny Tots

Get your munchkins excited by letting them help plan the trip.  Let them choose campsites, research kid-friendly activities, and pack a small bag with their favourite toys.  

3.  Embrace the Unexpected

Behavioural scientist Jon Levy wrote in his book The 2 AM Principle: Discover the Science of Adventure: “Adventures don’t happen on purpose.” So, don’t be afraid to throw plans out the window when a better opportunity beckons. Spot a quirky roadside attraction? Take a spontaneous detour! Remember, kids often thrive on unexpected adventures.  

4.  Pack Smart (but don’t overdo it)

Packing for little ones is an art form – but resist the urge to overpack! Focus on versatile clothing, a good first-aid kit, and a well-stocked snack box. 

Hatch a Happy Haven on Wheels 

A family vacation is where you discover new places, create fun memories, and find out just how much space everyone really needs, so…

5. Bunk Up in Bliss

Invest in a family caravan with a spacious bunks design!  This gives everyone their own space to sleep well, relax, and even store stuff.  Wonderland’s family caravans have large comfy bunks – perfect for creating a cosy haven for your little ones or a hideout for your teenagers. Our bunk dimensions are: 1900×720


(Check out our best family caravans with bunks, or discover how bunks helped the Wonderland XTR 2211 win Best Family Caravan.)

6. Brighten Up Their Space

Let your kids decorate their bunks with fairy lights, photos, or their favourite artwork. Personalisation is a simple way of making them feel special, comfortable, and excited about their mobile home. Make sure they also have their own space for learning because school is important even on a road.

7. Ditch the Digital to Double the Fun

Board games, card games, activity books, and a good old-fashioned torch are lifesavers for rainy days or those long stretches on the road.  Limit screen time and, when the weather allows, encourage them to explore the wonders of the natural world outside. 

Making the Most of the Journey 

In your caravan, you can make every mile a memory and every stop a story.

8. Thrill Up with Road Trip Classics

Road trip sing-alongs, playing “I Spy,” and spotting funny-shaped clouds are timeless traditions for a reason.  They create lasting memories and keep everyone entertained on long journeys. 

9. Become Nature Ninjas

Encourage your little ones to explore the local flora and fauna, collect interesting rocks, or identify different bird calls.  Nature is the ultimate playground, and it’s free! 

10. Fuel Up for Fun Times

Pack healthy snacks and water bottles to keep everyone energised and happy.  Nobody enjoys a cranky caravan after a missed lunch break!  

Finding Your Happy Place 

“The freedom of the open road is seductive, serendipitous and absolutely liberating.” (Aaron Lauritsen, author of 100 Days Drive) 

11. Pick the Perfect Spot

Off-grid oasis or family fun park? Decide the kind of experience you’re after. Do your kids thrive on the freedom of off-grid camping? Or do they enjoy the amenities of a family-friendly caravan park with pools and playgrounds? Whichever your choice, there’s the right caravan for it.  

12. Find Features for Your Fam

Do your research. Look for campsites with features that suit your family.  Does the park have a camp kitchen, laundry facilities, or a designated camp fire area?  Knowing what amenities are available can make a big difference to your experience. 

13. Connect with the Caravan Community

Strike up conversations with other families at the caravan park.  Swap travel tips, share campfire stories, and let your children make new friends.  

You may also find these tips from Lost Tribe Adventures useful: No going in other vans unless mum and dad say it’s okay. Always keep your kids in view. No touching things or creatures you’re not sure can’t harm you. 

Making Memories that Last a Lifetime 

Trips will end, but memories and stories will remain, so make sure you do these: 


14. Maintain the Right Mindset

“No road is long with good company,” advises a Turkish proverb. Be on your best attitude throughout your trip. Slow down, take your time – avoid burnout and stress. 

Be patient and keep a positive outlook and if things go wrong, make the best of it and look for the lessons. Stay flexible because anything can happen. Make sure everyone’s enjoying every moment – especially your children. 

15. Document Your Caravan Chronicles

Take photos, record videos, write in a travel journal, and collect mementos from each stop.  These little treasures will help you relive the magic of your adventure for years to come.  But prioritise being present and connecting with each other. 


Experience the Best Family Caravan Adventures 

With a little planning, a pinch of wanderlust, and these tips, bringing the kids on a caravan trip can turn out to be your best family adventure. So, go pack your bags and crank up the tunes, because an epic adventure awaits… Keep safe! 

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